

Dr. 夏洛特·彭斯(夏洛特便士) 斯托克斯创意写作中心 at the 十大彩票网投平台, 被评为第一位流动桂冠诗人. data-lightbox =“特色”
Dr. 夏洛特·彭斯(夏洛特便士) 斯托克斯创意写作中心 at the University of 南 Alabama, 被评为第一位流动桂冠诗人.

Dr. 夏洛特·彭斯(夏洛特便士) 斯托克斯创意写作中心 at the 十大彩票网投平台, just got a new title and fresh direction for 写诗,歌颂诗歌.

作为第一位流动桂冠诗人,1月10日星期一宣布. 便士会有 opportunity to share poems and lead programs that enrich life and language in the 港口城市.

“This position, in particular, will allow me to focus on poetry, which is my first 激情,”她说. “What I’m hoping to do is be able to bring poetry and its transformative 权力给尽可能多的人. 这是一个理想的平台.”

潘斯,副教授 英语 他于2017年加入该学院. 她的诗歌曾发表在《十大彩票平台官网》杂志上 Review,” “Sewanee Review,” “Poetry” magazine and other journals.  她的诗集 包括2020年的《十大彩票平台官网》(Code)和《十大彩票平台官网》(Many Small Fires).她编辑过这样的书 “美国歌词的诗学”.”

In February, Pence will read poems in Birmingham to celebrate a new 南ern Poetry 选集. In April, she will lead a poetry workshop in Utica, New York, to begin 诗月. In June, she will be a guest scholar at the Convivio Conference in Umbria, 意大利.

在她的网站上,她提供了她的一些诗歌的节选. “如何测量”的一部分 Distance "指的是很长的距离和微小的喘息:

父母之间的距离. 山? 流氓彗星?





存根. 或者类似于母亲的声音

教导一切声音的开端. “ah,


呼噜声和闭合声. 这是测量结果


To choose a poet laureate, the Mobile Arts Council formed a committee, selected finalists and offered recommendations to Mayor Sandy Stimpson, who made the final decision. The position is part of a state cultural effort led by the Alabama Arts Alliance.

Lucy Gafford, executive director of the Mobile Arts Council and a 南 alumna, is looking forward to hearing Pence’s poetry at city events and seeing her reach out 给年轻诗人和当地团体.

“她非常适合这个项目,”加福德说. “夏洛有一个极好的 通过诗歌参与社区活动的记录. 我们希望她能鼓励别人 以同样的方式发挥创造力.”

The two-year appointment as poet laureate includes a $5,000 honorarium. 职责包括 local appearances and work with educational programs, along with serving as an ambassador 莫比尔的诗歌.

There is a modest trend of American cities and regions naming poet laureates.

“这不是很常见,”彭斯说. “你必须有一定的兴趣 已经. 我们在Mobile拥有一个优秀的口语社区.”

Her recent poetry in Mobile includes a lighthearted cycle of work she calls “Alabama 的后院俳句.“她努力捕捉小瞬间和生动的场景:





四只交叉的手臂. 没有沸腾  


Pence grew up in the 南 and earned a bachelor’s degree in international relations 来自田纳西大学. 她获得了创意写作硕士学位 from Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts, before returning to Tennessee for her Ph.D. 她从东伊利诺伊大学来到十大彩票网投平台.

This semester, she’s on sabbatical, completing a nonfiction book about growing up 度过了佐治亚州罗马的艰难时期. 书名是《十大彩票平台官网》 十大彩票网投平台提高韧性.” Her father was homeless, off and on, and when her mother became gravely ill, she and her brother struggled to keep that a secret and hold their family 一起在一英亩的土地上.

For three years, from the age of 9 to 12, she helped grow and sell everything from 玉米和西红柿做成南瓜和西葫芦.

“That’s how we made money,” Pence said, “but we didn’t really know what we were doing.”

Pence says her first task as poet laureate will be to brainstorm with friends and colleagues about different kinds of poetry programs and different paths to reach them. 她的榜样包括阿什利M. 琼斯,阿拉巴马州的桂冠诗人.

“She’s done a tremendous amount of work to amplify so many different voices across 国家,”她说. “She created an ambassador program where she has different people 在不同的地区设计自己的项目.”

莫比尔的著名诗人包括. 苏·沃克,前英语系主任 她曾两次当选阿拉巴马州桂冠诗人. 申请过程的一部分 to become poet laureate was reading poems to Walker’s monthly poetry class at the 流动植物园.

Now that she has the position, Pence is 已经 imagining her first event.

“I have something in mind, but I want to talk about it first with organizers in Mobile,” 她笑着说. “我们只能说它会很棒.”




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