


▼   What is the refund policy?

您可以通过两种方式获得已注册课程的退款; 学生向CCE申请退课或取消课程.

决定取消您的注册可以打电话或发电子邮件给我们的部门 并且必须在您的工作开始前至少三个工作日的下午5点之前收到 class. Refund requests received after this will not be granted. 某些程序, 如会议或课程,包括材料/设备,可能需要额外的 请注意. These exceptions will be noted in course descriptions. 旷课 does not constitute a withdrawal. 


十大彩票网投平台保留取消任何课程的权利 there is not sufficient enrollment. Should a course be canceled after you enroll, you may transfer to another class or receive a full refund. 取消的决定 基于注册的课程在课程开始前三个工作日完成 日期. 

▼   What is the attendance policy?
除非事先安排,否则学生必须参加课程中80%的课堂会议 are made with the instructor. Maximum number of excused absences per course will depend on the length of the course.  Each instructor will notify students of the number of excused absences allowable for their specific class.

寻求完成CCE证书的学生有多种资助选择 程序.

一些学生有资格获得涵盖证书全部费用的福利 程序 through various governmental 程序s including:

学生也可以选择获得贷款来支付项目的费用. 学生贷款营销协会(Sallie Mae) 为职业培训(包括CCE证书课程)提供学生贷款 市场汇率. The loans cover the cost of attendance in the 程序.

一些课程/项目有奖学金,其他课程/项目有助学金 funded for designated audiences. (E.g. Title One Schools and Law Enforcement training). 有关这些计划的财政援助的其他细节将被注意 on the course information 页面. Because these are non-credit courses, student based grants such as Pell Grants are not available. 

See how does financial aid work for additional details.

▼   How does financial aid work with these courses?

学生贷款营销协会(Sallie Mae)贷款和其他贷款通常涵盖证书上的出席费用 程序.  

CCE的出勤费用是估计的金额,将花费一个学生 期间参加美国继续教育中心证书课程 of the 程序 set forth by the CCE.  The Cost of Attendance (COA) for noncredit certificate 程序 includes tuition, fees, books, and supplies.  It may also include ancillary 与参加课程有关的费用,如电脑、交通费、学费等 依赖护理.  

Applicants can learn more about their 学生贷款营销协会(Sallie Mae)’s student loan options here. 如果通过学生贷款营销协会(Sallie Mae)申请,请确保选择十大彩票网投平台 ALABAMA - CONTINUING EDUCATION as the name of the school.

Some of our 程序s are grant funded or offer scholarships. 看看这门课程 页面 for additional information.

▼   Where do I pay for a class?

Registration is available in person, 在线,或邮寄.

Payments may be mailed to:

555 North 大学大街.335
电话:al36688 -0002


▼   When do I have to pay for a class?

课程要求在开学第一天前至少五个工作日全额付款 class. 


▼   Are material and books costs covered in the course fee?
大多数情况下不是这样. 大多数课程除了有课本和材料费用外 课程费用本身. 这些具体要求将在课程描述中列出 seen prior to registration. This allows students to shop for the most cost effective option for books or course materials. 
▼   What prerequisites are needed for these courses, if any?
我们的一些证书课程对最低教育水平有要求,比如高中 school diploma, or have prerequisite courses. These will be noted on the course registration 页面.
我已经在另一所学校修完了一些必修课程 for a certificate 程序 the CCE offers.  Will those courses count towards that certificate?

我们的证书课程一般不接受其他机构的学分. 美国CCE精心开发了我们的证书课程,以确保最高的 education standards are met.

只有在可以确定材料是合格的情况下,才接受转帐 最新的,适用的,完全涵盖所有必修课程内容. 请随意 电子邮件我们 如果你有任何在课程网页上没有回答的问题.

▼   What do I do if I don’t see a class I want to take?
我们目前的课程列表定期更新,我们有新的课程开始 的时间. 如果你感兴趣的课程目前还没有列出,那就报名吧 以便我们的电子邮件能够第一时间获得有关即将到来的课程和CCE的信息 新闻. 请随意 电子邮件我们 对于任何你在课程中没有回答的问题 网页.
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